Dear Johan.
Thank you so much for your call.
You have no idea how excited we are about that famous (as far as we are concerned) triple yolk egg!!! We always buy Wohlfahrt eggs since the day we discovered they often have double yolk eggs in the tray which we absolutely love and get very excited about, so you can just imagine our excitement yesterday over that amazing triple yolk egg discovery… hahaaa!!!
I looked up the odds of a triple yolk egg on the internet and saw that the likelihood of ever finding one would be one in 25 million eggs… so we feel totally egg-static and lucky right now, you’d think we’d won the lottery!
Andrew cracked the egg open yesterday for his breakfast and immediately took a photo to sms to me as I was not at home at the time. His message with the egg photo was: “And you thought double eggs were the bomb”… I gasped with amazement and laughed with joy all at the same time when I saw the photo! You’d never think that fried eggs could ever make anyone so happy, but this really was the “BOMB” for Andrew and I and we just had to share it with you.
My daughter, Judi, and I went shopping at the Fruit and Veg near the Sasol close to Key West at the beginning of the month, where I picked up two trays of “30 Jumbo Grade 1 eggs 67g+” for my son and I for the month.
Thank you for your wonderful Wohlfahrt eggs which we absolutely love! I’m sure the chances of us ever finding a triple again will be extremely slim, but we will enjoy trying and will still be just as excited as ever about the double yolk eggs still to come!
Have an egg-ceptionally good day.
Panayiota Ryall on behalf of my son Andrew Ryall